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On Potential

Making the Town better - Here’s a laundry list of ideas that I will file under the heading  “People Potential”

Ice Cap Opportunity

The Clarenville Events Centre in all its splendor as Danny Williams, CEO of the Ice Caps, presents a cheque for $5000 to Clarenville Minor Hockey.
On Sunday the AHL's St. John's Ice Caps and Syracuse Crunch played a preseason exhibition game in front of 1100 hockey fans.  This event proved to be a great opportunity to showcase the Clarenville Events Centre and the Town to the league.  With the potential to hold the Allan Cup in 2015 and the upcoming 2014 NL Winter games, this was an incredible opportunity to showcase our capabilities. Based on the positive comments from the league and the media covering the league, they were impressed. Kudos to the organizers!

The Highway Lookout

Where's Clarenville: The TCH lookout at Naked Man is getting grown in

For anyone who has traveled the TCH towards Clarenville in the dark, as you round the turn at Naked Man the lights of our town are pretty darn impressive – and getting more impressive each year.   The lookout on the highway there is a great showcase area for Clarenville.  But notice that it is growing in.  The view is being obscured and the neglect is showing.   If we are going to harness the maximum potential of that lookout to allow people to capture the impressive view, work needs to be done there to trim the trees and clean the area up.   Some signage that describes Clarenville and invites  people in would certainly be a progressive move as well – Now there’s a challenge for the Economic Development committee of Council.

The Age Friendly Park – an Opportunity Community sliding hill

The new Age Friendly park would be a great spot for a small family friendly sliding hill 

One of the things Clarenville does not have in the town is a community sliding hill (there is however, a great sliding hill at White Hills, just above the Lee Churchill Chalet).  The gentle (safe) slope that falls from the School Ball field to the new Age Friendly park would make a great sliding spot is some of the trees were removed in time for winter – it’s another opportunity to build community. 

Duck House – Safer for Ducks and for People

A Duck house like this one in the inner harbour would attract ducks and help take them out of harms way

This past year, Council has spent a lot of time talking about the duck problem on the Shoal harbour Causeway.  There has been lots of talk but nothing in terms of tangible action.  With the new benches that have been installed on the trail, it may be an idea to build a floating Duck House in the inner harbour that would attract the ducks, keep them away from the main road and provide people with an opportunity and a reason to sit on the new benches to feed the ducks.


As you may have seen or read, we were in Washington, DC last week at the SIFE World Cup.  9 of us went from Clarenville Campus, but we were not the only ones there from Clarenville.   At least a couple of the Memorial SIFE team were from the greater Clarenville area.   We were there to cheer them on as they had the job of representing Canada at this 38 country competition in which each student team presents on business projects that they completed that focused on the so-called “triple” bottom line – People – Profit – Planet.   It was an opportunity to measure ourselves against the world and we were among the very best! Thanks Garry Gosse for all those Canadian Flags! See: for details


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