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Who'll Run for Council? Part 3 – The Municipality of Clarenville

On Tuesday September 24, townspeople in the Province's municipalities will vote for new municipal councils. Nomination Day is Tuesday, August 27.  In Clarenville there will be two votes; one for the position of Mayor and another for the 6 other councilors who will constitute our Town's government for the next 4 years.   If you are interested in running, Municipalities NL and The Department of Municipal Affairs have created a great resource called MAKING YOUR MARK - it has lots of useful information for would-be-councilors.

Here in Clarenville, I expect there will be a lot of interest from people considering running.  I’ve been there and I have some insights on what a new Councilor should know about the town.  Here is a summary of publicly available information on our Town.


Population Serviced
Clarenville has one of the fastest growing populations in the province.  With an official 2011 population of just over 6000, up 14% from 2007, we are the 13th biggest municipality in NL.   Clarenville’s prosperity comes not from just its own population.  Our current and continued success is predicated on Clarenville continuing to be a full service centre for the surrounding population of approximately 30,000 and the industry at Long Harbour, Bull Arm and Come-By-Chance.

With only 45 births in Clarenville in 2011 the bulk of the population growth is attributed to in-migration – pointing to the critical need for attraction and retention strategies to maintain the current rate of growth.  Clarenville’s median age is a full 3 years younger than the provincial average of 41.

2012-13 Staff

The Town has 30-35 employees - most long-serving.    The Town workers are also unionized   Click to See the Organizational Chart below.    Source:

Budget 2013

The Town of Clarenville is a $9 million a year operation.

30% of the budget Revenues comes directly from Residential taxes – and another 30% coming from Business Taxes.  Jointly, Residents and Business contribute another 17% through Water and Sewer Taxes. Approximately 13% comes from Provincial sources.

Where Clarenville Plans to get its money for 2013
Revenue Category
Budgeted Revenue
(in thousands of dollars)
Percent of Total budget
Percent Increase(decrease) over previous year
Residential Property Tax
Commercial Property Tax
Business tax
Water and Sewer tax
Contribution to Debt Servicing
Other Revenue
Recreational revenue
Poll tax
Gas Tax
Provincial Op. Grant
Interest revenue
Grants in Lieu of tax
TOTAL Planned Income

Where Clarenville plans to spend its money in 2013
Clarenville planned expenditures are broken into seven broad categories:

Budgeted Expenditure
(in thousands of dollars)
Percent of Total budget
Percent Increase(decrease) over previous year
General Administration
Fire and Emergency Services
Environmental Health
Planning and Development
Culture and Recreation
Fiscal Expenditures
TOTAL Planned Spending



Significant Assets
·                 Water Treatment Plant/Water tower
·                 Clarenville Events Centre
·                 White Hills Ski Resort
·                 Town Hall/Fire Station
·                 Several Front End Loaders, Grader,  2 Sidewalk plows, 1 mini excavator,  Several Tandem Trucks  and several Pickup Trucks

Accepted Plans and Strategies:


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