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Running in Municipal Election 2013 in Clarenville? Here's what you need to do:

Election time is upon us and maybe you are considering running in the September 24th Municipal Elections.   Municipal politics sure is not as high profile as other levels of government, but I truly believe that it is the most important and most relevant to you.  Every day you turn on your tap, walk on a sidewalk, drive on a street, see in the dark because of  a streetlight, or go to bed knowing that there is a trained fire department ready to help you or your neighbour 24/7, it's because a Town Council and the people with will in your community have made that possible - with the help of your tax dollars.  

I think it's critical to have a good cross section of people (particularly younger people and women)  vie for the available positions on our Council and even more importantly it is critical to have the opportunity to raise people's awareness of the issues facing our community and the future direction of our town. 



Based on a decision of Council, there is only one day for nominations in Clarenville and that date is set for August 27th. Candidates must be nominated between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m

A candidate must be nominated by two persons eligible to vote in the municipality 

Nominations shall be in writing and state the name and civic address of the candidate and shall be 
signed by the Proposer and Seconder both of whom shall be present together with the candidate 
who shall sign also signifying his or her acceptance. (FORM MEF-01 - Public Notice – Nomination of Candidates)

In the event that a candidate cannot be present for his/her nomination, his/her proposer and seconder can complete the required form. (FORM MEF-03 - Nomination Form for Candidates Unable to Be Present on Nomination Day)

Every candidate for Election to the Council shall at the time of his or her nomination, deposit 

with the Returning Officer and the Non-refundable sum of ten dollars ($10.00) (for Clarenville and other towns, fifty dollars ($50.00) for cities).

The qualifications of a candidate for election to council are as follows:

(1) Canadian Citizen of the full age of eighteen years.

(2) Resident of the municipality or area for at least 30 days immediately prior to the date 
set for the nomination period.

(3) Not Indebted to the Council for any arrears of taxes or other charges.

(4) Not otherwise disqualified under The Municipal Elections Act.

(Source: See



LINK to one of the best resources a NL Councillor can have - Peter Boswell's - Municipal Councillor's Handbook


Want More Information?

CHECK OUT MY BLOG SERIES ON THE ELECTION and other things related to Clarenville at


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