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Kiwanis Highlights Concert - Applying Technology to Community Engagement

Over the past ten days we have been treated to one of the most well organized, entertaining and energizing events of the year - the annual Kiwanis Music Festival. A small band of volunteers create a fantastic talent showcase that rivals any other festival in the province. What truly makes it successful though is the talent - our region's children are awesome!! Paired with their highly skilled music teachers these kids are a talent tour-de-force. To appreciate the talent that I speak of here, you really need to see it and hear it. The technology that you are using here helps you do that. Through my job I have a lot of occasion to use technology and share its application with my students and the greater community. In our Business program at the Clarenville Campus we use this same technology extensively in the classroom and outside to teach (hands on) communications and media skills. What you are seeing here and in other pages/projects that we are involved in is a sample of some of...

It’s Time for Age Friendly Parking in our Age Friendly Community

Over the past week or so there has been a lot of talk in the media of the wrong people parking in designated Disabled (Mobility impaired) Parking spots.    These are prime spots that serve a definite purpose – making building access easier for people who face more than their share of mobility challenges.  Stores, Banks, Hospitals all have them and generally people are courteous enough to leave these spots for people who really need them.   I see here in Clarenville that Wal-Mart has taken this idea further by adding designated parking spots for people with toddlers – good on ‘em! Taking Wal-Mart’s cue further, there is a large and growing group of aging people who are finding it increasingly difficult to walk any distance.  As early baby boomers push into their late 60’s,70’s & 80’s they too should be considered for special parking treatment in key places such as health care facilities.   As my mother-in-law points out, it’s hard to find a ...

He who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune? It's County time.

Clarenville is on a  slippery   slope if it assumes the role of the George's Brook - Milton Fire Department - even if there is compensation for doing it.  The implications go well beyond fire protection to affecting the future of our town.   It is my contention that some of the most available and best developable land in the greater metropolitan Clarenville area is located in Georges Book – Milton.   Smith Sound provides a “million dollar view” and thanks to its location in Georges Brook – Milton, you can get that view for a lot less than a million dollars and a lot less than you can in Clarenville.    Georges Book – Milton is not, in law, part of Clarenville. Georges Book – Milton is a separate entity known as a Local Service District (LSD). In NL, LSDs are not independent as Towns are; rather they are “children” of the Provincial government.   They have advisory committee’s made up of five to seven residents whose decisions need t...

Community Development Fund

Community organizations take note... Eastern Health recently announced that it is accepting funding applications from non-profits who are planning to work on projects that support community health. If you or your group are interested - read the press release below. NEWS RELEASE Eastern Health Accepting Applications for Community Development Fund March 16, 2012: St. John’s, NL - Eastern Health encourages non-profit and community-based groups to apply for funding under its Community Development Fund for 2012. The Community Development Fund, valued at $50,000, was established in 2008 by Eastern Health’s Board of Trustees support the organization’s vision of Healthy People, Healthier Communities. “There are numerous groups in our region who make great contributions to their communities and we value those efforts,” said Michael O’Keefe, Chair, Board of Trustees. “Through the Community Development Fund, Eastern Health can support those projects that promote healthier communitie...

Targeting Targa

Each year the Targa arrives in Clarenville and each year there is a debate about it that lasts at least twice as long as the actual race.   Meanwhile other more pressing decisions are put aside or neglected. It's time to make a decision once and for all. The Economic Benefit versus Safety Issue has been beat around too long. There has neither been a quantifiable benefit established by the town, nor have we seen the promises of enhanced safety. You be the judge on the benefit versus safety issue....

SIFE for LIFE: Clarenville’s Team Takes 1st and 2nd Place in Regional Competitions.

Top LR Beaton Winsor, Kyle Tysler, Gorvin Greening Bottom Tracy Holloway (Advisor), Nathan Vey, Sherry Smith, Paul Tilley (advisor), Krista Skiffington, Olivia Best, Sherrell Penney and Debbie Strong Members of my class and I just got back from a Regional competition in Halifax (March 7-10).  This was the ACE Canada (Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship) Regional completion in which students from post secondary institutions from across Atlantic Canada came together to showcase some of the projects that they have been involved in on their campuses over the past few months.   Most of the projects highlights had an Economic development focus – team members in their respective regions partnered with local businesses and organizations to develop and ran projects that helped people in their communities.   Over 300 students participated from 11 schools: Acadia University (NS) Cape Breton University (NS) College of the North Atlantic - Clarenville (NL) College o...