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Showing posts with the label Clarenville population

Clarenville - A Statistical Profile of Clarenville (based on the 2016 Census)

As Budget time rolls around, we start thinking about the priorities of the Town for the year to come.   To frame this thinking, I have used the recently published data from the 2016 Census to give a clearer snapshot of Clarenville. Here's what I found... pt The Town of Clarenville is odd - in a good way  As most of the Province's town's beyond the isthmus shrink and age at an alarming rate, Clarenville is one of the few towns in Newfoundland and Labrador that continues to grow and whose population median age sits a full four years younger than the provincial median.   The 2016 Statistics Canada Census sheds a beacon on light on Clarenville.   What follows are some of the key findings: Age/Education - The Median age, the age at which half the population is above, and half below, of NL in 2016 was 46.  The major population centres, with the opportunity they provide, tend to attract younger people.  Clarenville...

Clarenville Grows 14.4% in 5 Years!

2011 Census data for Clarenville (note the date error on this graphic) We feel that Clarenville is growing - now newly released Stats.Canada Census data proves it. We've seen the official population of Clarenville rise by 14.4% in the past 5 years from 5,274 to 6,036! We are now the 13th largest town in NL with the 3rd largest growth in population.